Neptune, 27. Neptune’s real name is Neil; he is Uranus’ younger brother.
When Neil was 6, he was given the nickname, Neptune, by his astronomy-manic brother, because at that time he strongly believed that Uranus and Neptune are two inseparable brothers living in the sky.
Neil loves this idea and nickname so much that he still refers to himself with this name. After their parents divorced, Neil and Uranus lived separate lives for over 20 years. Neil never complained that his father could not provide a place to live and had to constantly move across the country, he just wishes one day he could once again meet his dear brother. This wish was granted when he recently had an opportunity to work with Uranus; however this sweet joyfulness soon turned into sour once Neil found out Pancho’s existence.
(Granado x Dolk. DollismPlus Tokyo 2017 Special Edition)
Captain Neptune
Male body Evol : $509
Male Embody : $509
Head darker skin fee : $30~$35
Whole doll darker skin fee : $78~$98