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  • This is GRANADO's Male Body 49Adagio2. (head does not included, but you can add Ninth, Shadow or Lecent head.)

    It can be ordered at anytime.

    Male Body 49Adagio2

    • Darker skin fee: $50~$65

    • Dolls are generally shipped within 50 business days from the last payment date. (If there is any problem with the manufacturing process, shipping will be delay without notification.)

    Layaway Information

    If you need to place an layaway order, please check this page:

    Layaway / Contact

    Additional Request Options you may need:

    • Photo by Crocus.

    • There might be marbling or dust marks in darker skin dolls as they are more difficult to produce. Therefore they do not count as defects.

    • We can provide Seam Removing service for darker skin dolls like Sunshine and Brown.

    • Doll heads are generally shipped within 50 business days, and whole dolls are generally shipped within 70 business days from the last payment date. (If there is any problem with the manufacturing process, shipping will be delay without notification.)

    • All our dolls and parts are hand made by Crocus, we tried to make them look as perfect as possible.