Mercury, 15. Mercury enjoys daydreaming and her mind always fills with various interesting ideas. When she read Japanese manga and understands the concept of parallel universe, it further expands her fantasy world. Despite her friends and family constantly ask her to snap out from fictional world, Mercury became an anime girl and began to share her imaginations via writing stories. One day, Mercury heard a male voice inside her head, telling her that he’s a devil from another universe. Normally, people will check their own sanity when similar things happened to them, but Mercury is glad that she made a new friend, and decided to keep the existence of this devil as a secret. When Mercury is asleep at night, the devil will take over her body and became the Grand Master Thief Mercury Retrograde. His sole purpose is to find the Statue of Titus and given him a new life.
Male body Evol : $509
Male Embody : $509
Male body Lads & Plus : $429 ~ $449
Head darker skin fee : $30~$35
Whole doll darker skin fee : $78~$98